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Tech Patrol’s 2017 blog’s layout

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At Tech Patrol, the layout is as important as the content. That’s why we are introducing a new theme, new website’s look for 2017.

WordPress Advantage

One of the best features of having a self-hosted blog is the freehand of customizing it anytime you want. You can explore lots of WordPress themes and most of the times, they are too, are customizable also.

And with a little help from YouTube videos and other online tutorials, you can level-up the customization through CSS.

[junkie-hightlights color=”green”]CSS is the language for describing the presentation of Web pages, including colors, layout, and fonts. It allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, such as large screens, small screens, or printers. CSS is independent of HTML and can be used with any XML-based markup language.[/junkie-hightlights] [www.w3.org]

From MyThemeShop’s NewsPaper Theme to Theme Junkie’s Review Pro

When we re-branded from DigitalSpidey to Tech Patrol, we implemented MyThemeShop’s theme NewsPaper. Almost everything was customized – from fonts, numbers of CSS, ads placement, colors and much more.

NewsPaper Theme

We chose NewsPaper theme because it loads very fast, period.

However, we were looking for something that this theme could not deliver. We want more, so to speak.

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NewsPaper theme cost only USD47 instead of the regular price USD69.

Buy MyThemeShop NewsPaper Theme using this link.

ReviewPro by Theme Junkie

Theme Junkie has been around since 2009. They have several themes to offer including non-Wordpress and also few plugins which are offered for free.

What we like about Theme Junkie is the customer support. Radek and his team are quick to respond to any inquiry.

Review PRO falls under News category of Theme Junkie. It is a highly customizable theme and most of all, it is a responsive theme.

[junkie-hightlights color=”yellow”]A responsive WordPress theme is a theme that was developed to look good across all screens. Meaning that if your website is responsive then visitors viewing it on your mobile device can read the site information easily and navigate through the site without hassle.[/junkie-hightlights] [themelab.com]

The best part of Review Pro WordPress Theme offers different pre-built layout through the Site Origin Page Builder plugin. When you spend time in exploring it, you will find lots of interesting layouts that would fit your own taste for your blog.

In case you want to leave the theme on “stock” version, you may do so. But expect that you will encounter the same layout out there very soon.

Review Pro cost only USD39.

Buy Theme Junkie’s ReviewPRO WordPress Theme using this link.

You can also read MyBloggingHacks.com review of Theme Junkie here.

Tech Patrol’s 2017 Layout

The new layout of the blog presents several units of the website on the front page. Just below the header, the recent reviews is presented through a slider. Viewers can easily slide through the last six (6) reviews.

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Below the slider is the latest news, in this unit readers will see the latest news we post.

We also implemented “featured video”, wherein we can post our latest video or sponsored video ads can be placed there as well.

On the left side are the “popular posts” and the “most views post”. This shows the top five (5) popular blog posts in the past.

The sidebar offers the search bar, ads box, recent posts in thumbnail and much more.

The best part is this layout auto-adjusts in all kind of screens — desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone. This is what we call responsive theme.

Tech Patrol’s Social Media

We do this regular upgrade because we want you, our readers to enjoy the convenience of reading our content.

Also, we’ve expanded our social media channels as well. As of today, here’s our social media followers and supporters.

  • Facebook (www.fb.com/techpatrl) — 6,623 followers
  • Twitter (www.twitter.com/techpatrl) — 1,464 followers
  • Instagram (www.instagram.com/techpatrl) – 1,256 followers
  • Youtube (www.youtube.com/c/TechpatrlNews) – 2,343 subscribers

Thank you!

We would like to thank you, everyone! From the PR Agencies, the Brands, Sponsors, and Advertisers for trusting Tech Patrol in 2016.

To you, our dear readers, thank you so so very much. You are the reason why we are still blogging until today. We are now on our sixth (6th) year, making us one of the longest-running tech blog in the country.

We hope that you will still support us in 2017 and in the coming years!

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Raffy Pedrajita

is Rafael Pedrajita offline. He is the founder of Tech Patrol. He's been a freelancer and a blogger since March of 2010. He married a beautiful woman named Amor. You can follow him on his Social Media accounts in the links below.

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